Antibiotic resistance has become a worldwide problem that threatens the effectiveness of many medicines used today to treat bacterial infections. In recent years, outbreaks involving strains resistant to all known antibiotics, sometimes called "killer bacteria" or "superbugs", often made the news because these bacteria render infections difficult, if not impossible to treat.
It is therefore urgent to expand the arsenal of available antibacterial molecules by identifying new targets for the development of new antibiotics.
Our laboratory wants to contribute to the global effort aiming to prevent the return of untreatable epidemics by better understanding how bacteria defend themselves against the toxic molecules present in their environment, including antibiotics.
Help us to reach our goal: contribute to our crowdfunding campaign.
Every single euro is important – from €40 your gift is tax deductible !
— Against antibiotic resistance
L’Institut de Duve, fondé en 1974 par le prix Nobel de Médecine Christian de Duve, compte 280 chercheurs qui étudient de nombreuses pathologies, telles le cancer, la COVID, le diabète, le psoriasis, la leucémie, les maladies auto-immunes, la maladie de Parkinson, la sclérose en plaques et tant d’autres encore.
La recherche fondamentale est essentielle et doit continuer à avancer. Sans recherche fondamentale, il n’y a pas de recherche clinique. Sans recherche clinique, il n’y a pas de traitements adaptés !
Les fonds récoltés durant la campagne de crowdfunding permettront à l'Institut de Duve d’acheter du matériel de pointe et de recruter des boursiers d’exception. En donnant vous accélérez la recherche.
Go microbio ! A fond pour la découverte de nouveaux antibiotiques !
Infectiologue clinicien, je suis fière de soutenir la recherche fondamentale en Infectiologie !!!
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