by Jacques Vancleve
Participer à cette magnifique aventure qu'est la recherche fondamentale, faites un don!
Participate in this magnificent adventure that is basic research, make a donation!
Participe en esta maravillosa aventura de la investigación básica, ¡haga una donación!
— Jacques
The de Duve Institute is a multidisciplinary biomedical research institute hosting several research laboratories of the Faculty of Medicine of the UCLouvain, as well as the Brussels branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research.
The de Duve Institute is based on three key principles:
- priority to fundamental research and freedom of researchers,
- special attention to the medical benefits that may result from fundamental discoveries,
- multidisciplinary collaboration in an environment of skills, techniques and equipment.
The money raised during the crowdfunding campaign will allow the Institute to purchase state-of-the-art equipment and foresee grants to recruit exceptional scientists. By donating you are accelerating research.
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